Well, the iPad will be here in three months or a little bit later (3G version), and, set aside other dubts, one of the most discussed technical characteristic on blogs is its internal storage. (here and here).
People think 64GB are not enough for professional use! Well, they look at their 16GB iPhones and sure, they’re already full of songs, videos, photos and apps. Then they end up thinking: with more complex apps and office documents (presentation, PDFs, word processing, and so on) I’ll fill up my iPad in few days!
But, if you think about a professional use of this device, you can’t think the internal storage is the whole storage: it will be your Tier1 storage only. You’ll need to consider, at least, two more correlated important issues: 3G data plan and a good cloud storage service!
3G data plan
The device lives connected and you need the best connectivity service you can have, to download and upload your data every time you need it!
A prime quality plan must also be cheap because you will need a big amount of data and throughput if compared to other mobile devices.
Cloud Storage Service
Well, you need something very tightened with your iPad/iPhone/iMac/PC to store your data and you need to evaluate which cloud storage provider fits better to your needs. Here you are a short list (just the few that come to my mind): iDisk, Nomadesk, Zumodrive or DropBox. Some of them already deployed a client for iPhone.
Cloud storage is the first step to achieve a full Mobile Computing, probably Apple already knows it.
HANDS-ON TECHNOLOGY DAY (18 febbraio 2010): https://www.cinetica.it/hands-on/